Investing is the Pathway to Creating Wealth & Financial Freedom
Precious Metals are the focus of this installment of our Investing Series. Investing is the pathway to creating wealth and freedom. Remember, these are asset categories for generating the wealth you need to fund your “Freedom Lifestyle.”
Precious Metals
Precious Gems
Don’t miss our July 2024 post, “Would You Like to Pay Less in Taxes?” which celebrated Independence Day and is dedicated to an in-depth examination of taxes. How an investor handles taxes is more important than you may ever imagine!
Gold and silver are precious metals that will be the focal point of this news post.
He Who Holds the Gold Makes the Rules
This is a truism many of us grew up with. It is more than an axiom, it really is the truth: money and wealth is power. Gold is money and wealth. Silver is money and wealth.
Investing in Wealth Creates Wealth
This includes owning the assets of wealth for centuries: gold and silver.
Gold and silver are wealth. Investing in wealth creates wealth. Gold and silver are precious metals listed in the Periodic Table of Elements. The 3 precious metals with high economic value are gold, silver, and platinum.
Gold and silver add diversification of assets in an investment portfolio: diversification of risk and market cycles adding stability and value to an investment portfolio.
Countries around the world including the United States own gold, and are buying more gold than ever before in history. If countries and institutions are buying more gold and silver than ever before, consider that countries and institutions do not make you wealthy. You make yourself wealthy. Investing includes owning the assets of wealth for centuries: gold and silver.

Gold and silver have also been classical forms of money for thousands of years. This is why 209 countries, including the United States, have agreed to return to sovereign boundaries and sovereign currencies backed by real assets: gold, silver, other Periodic Table elements, and commodities-the wealth of a country. This has been actively rolling out in 2022, 2023, and 2024. The BRICS Summit in regard to this, is being held in Russia, October 22-24, 2024, to roll out the BRICS payment system that will continue to eliminate the fiat US Dollar from international trade.
What is Money?
Money is an Agreement. The best forms of money fulfill all 3 Agreements:
a medium of exchange
a unit of action
a store of value
Gold and silver are the constitutional forms of money. The United States Constitution Article I, Section 10, "No state shall...make anything Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.”
Fiat money, which we have today, and have had since 1971, does not fulfill the “store of value” Agreement which is a problem… a BIG problem.
It is understandable that people do not know gold as an investment or gold as money. The Federal Reserve cartel of private bankers was implemented in 1913. Our Government bankrupted our country in 1933 by removing gold as the monetary basis of our money.

An interlude of the US Dollar being used as the reserve currency for global trade from 1944 to 1971, had the US Dollar operate with a 25% backing of gold. In 1971, the US Dollar went full fiat - no backing of gold or any asset value. The Petro Dollar Agreement with Saudi Arabia in 1974 ensured the full fiat US Dollar was used around the world. The Petro Dollar Agreement had every country purchase oil from the Saudi Arabia-controlled OPEC in US Dollars. This meant every country in the world funded our Government with a fiat US dollar, as countries had to purchase US Treasuries (the US fiat Dollar) for their country’s oil/energy needs. This Petro Dollar Agreement ended in the Spring of 2024. On June 9, 2024, Saudi Arabia reaffirmed that Saudi Arabia was not renewing the Petro Dollar Agreement.
Side note: I want to connect the dots for you. If I don’t do it for you, who will?
The continuous printing of US Dollars and increasing the supply of money in the monetary system creates more money than goods. When a country does this with their money, it causes the money to devalue. Inflation is not the cost of a good going up, it is the value of the money going down, so it takes more of that money to buy the same good(s). This is inflation. It wasn’t just the United States that was impacted by the inflation this causes. The Petro Dollar Agreement has the inflation of the US Dollar create inflation in every country in the world. This ensured the wealth of the entire world including US citizens would be siphoned into the hands of the few that run the Federal Reserve System and their downstream players like Government, lobbyists etc.. Forcing countries to hold US Dollars for their country’s energy purchasing, created inflation in the economies of countries around the world. The 209 countries who agreed to to BRICS, including the United States-sovereign nations with sovereign currencies backed by gold/assets are DONE with the private cartel of bankers which is the Federal Reserve System.
Back to 1933: President Franklin D. Roosevelt also made the private ownership of gold illegal in 1933. President Gerald R. Ford re-established the right for Americans to own gold privately once again in December 1974.
And now you know why most people do not have a relationship to gold as money or as wealth. Most people have never been told this history of the United States government bankrupting it’s own people.
I could go into great deal as to how the Federal Reserve System was implemented to methodically siphon the wealth of the people of this country and the world into the hands of the few, but I won’t do it in this post, it would make this newsletter very long.
These details of how destructive the Federal Reserve System has been for the wealth of the people of this country, and for the wealth of countries across the globe is absolutely a very important background. This background is the subject of the 8-part series “Our Monetary System is Changing.” It is an an extraordinary history that will be told, and you can read about it easily in this series.
Start your new future of prosperity by reading “Our Monetary System is Changing” series:
Part 1: Money is an agreement.
Part 2: Our money is fiat money created by the private corporation, the Federal Reserve central bank system, using fractional reserve lending in the commercial banking system we use.
Part 3: The Federal Reserve central bank system, fiat money, fractional reserve lending & how the American taxpayer plays into this monetary system.
Part 4: How the World Turns: American Taxpayer Money at Work Across the World; Who Profits?
Part 5: Do Monetary Systems Change? Yes, They Do!
Part 6: How did “We the People” End Up with a Monetary System that Doesn’t Benefit Us?
Part 7: The Future of Our Monetary System: Prosperity for You!
Part 8: How You Can Make Our New Monetary System Work For You!
Your Future & Your Prosperity Begins & Ends with You
You will need excellent partners in creating, enjoying, and managing this era of prosperity in your life. I am here to help you with your prosperity!
Don’t miss our October 2024 “Books of the Month,” because the books are videos! These videos will support you in a very timely way!
Your thoughts and questions are always welcome!

MSM Advisory, LLC. is a professional practice designed to offer you the customized financial planning advice, strategies and implementation to make your dreams come true. Money matters and this is what the money is for… your vision for your life coming to life… for you.