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Part 7: Our Monetary System is Changing

Updated: Apr 4

The Future of Our Monetary System: Prosperity for You!

You will have the benefit of having a monetary system based on the Constitution for the united States of America (1789). A monetary system “of the people, for the people, by the people” as outlined in the Constitution for the united States for America.

I am keeping Part 7 very simple because what I want to share with you is that once we eliminate the fiat US Dollar completely, and we are almost there with events occurring now, you will receive the financial benefit of a new monetary system.

This will be the first time in the history of colonial America and the United States of America we will have a monetary system that is based on the Constitution for the united States of America. This is a new monetary system, banking system, and financial system that is secure, private, state-of-the art, lightening fast, accurate, and accessible to all people in ways you can’t even imagine today.

Money backed by assets. You will have more income. You will be able to create wealth for your lifetime and generational wealth for your family.

This remarkable historical transition will also impact every aspect of our society that benefits you!

As you learned in Part 3 of this series, this is not the Federal Reserve central bank system of fiat money and fractional reserve lending, the fiat Central Bank Digital Currency, a fiat CBDC.

Part 3: The Federal Reserve central bank system, fiat money, fractional reserve lending & how the American taxpayer plays into this monetary system.

All areas of life will transform for the better for all people:

  • A sovereign Government of the people, by the people, for the people.

  • A new US Treasury currency backed by assets ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.

  • A new US Treasury Bank System will be in alignment with Constitutional law.

  • The Federal Reserve central bank system will be eliminated.

  • Income tax abolished.

  • Money as debt will be gone! Once this debt money is gone, the debt is gone.

  • Constitutional law will be restored to all courts and legal matters.

  • Judges and attorneys will be re-trained in Constitutional law vs. the BAR (British Accredited Registry, or commonly known as British maritime law).

  • The news media will be transformed to support and respect your rights as sovereign citizens of the restored Constitutional Republic of the United States.

  • Education will transform and be affordable.

  • Healthcare will transform and be affordable.

  • Energy

  • Food

  • Senior citizens will have more money than our current Social Security System.

  • The hidden tax of inflation will be gone.

  • The endless stream of war and chaos around the world will be gone. All wars are “bankers’ wars” to make money on both sides of the war.

  • The “boom & bust” economic cycles that destroys your wealth will be eliminated. These cycles are manipulations and corruptions of the markets—used like war—to create wealth for the leaders of the State and the “Global 1%.” Massive amounts of money are made on the downside and upside of these boom & bust cycles. (Never forget that you were advised by our various media outlets that you have to stay in the market, no matter what.)

The Rothschild control over the wealth of the citizens of the United States of America has existed since the colonial days during the American Revolution. We have never had a monetary system, bank, and financial systems that were outlined in the Constitution for the united States of America.

THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION established in 1871, that made the united States of America and every US citizen a corporate entity of the British Crown, has been dissolved.

The Rothschild control over the US Federal Reserve central bank system which is control over the world‘s money, your money, is ending.

All of this benefits you and your life directly in every aspect of life.

Can you imagine the stress of taxes, inflation, the cost of education, healthcare, and the specter of retirement over 25–30 years, inside of the constant economic chaos and market crashes created by this old system of debt slavery, all going away?

What would it be like if this stress was removed? How would your life be different?

I am always here for you with your thoughts, questions, and what you want to accomplish!

If you missed any part of this series, “Our Monetary System is Changing” or you would like to review any part, please re-vist via News because Parts 1–6 lead directly to the simplicity of Part 7.

Part 1: Money is an agreement.

Part 2: Our money is fiat money created by the private corporation, the Federal Reserve central bank system, using fractional reserve lending in the commercial banking system we use.

Part 3: The Federal Reserve central bank system, fiat money, fractional reserve lending & how the American taxpayer plays into this monetary system.

Part 4: How the World Turns: American Taxpayer Money at Work Across the World; Who Profits?

Part 5: Do Monetary Systems Change? Yes, They Do!

Part 6: How did “We the People” End Up with a Monetary System that Doesn’t Benefit Us?

Next Edition:

Part 8: How You Can Make Our New Monetary System Work for You!

Your thoughts and questions are always welcome!


MSM Advisory, LLC. is a professional practice designed to offer you the customized financial planning advice, strategies and implementation to make your dreams come true. Money matters and this is what the money is for… your vision for your life coming to life… for you.

This takes your vision and your actions. You are surrounded by brilliance. Tap into it. Now is the time.


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