A New Year welcomes new ways of learning including new media.

2 Books & 1 Movie to Kick Off Your New Year
History rolls out over hundreds into thousands of years, ever so slowly. In our lifetimes, we never stop to think about how the world works and why it works the way it does. We rarely ask ourselves: What will the future be like? We think that how the world is today is how the world has always been and that is not true. History is a very long evolutionary tale that always determines where we are at “today.”
“Today” you want to mark where you are at, journal your thoughts and experiences, and read.
Since I was a young child, I have had a devotion to history. History has taken me to very interesting and thoughtful places, as well as unexpected places. Learning and the “art of travel” through a book is far more interesting than any other media. Reading is an art form of transcending the day!
The founding of this country and our journey to “today” is an extraordinarily short period of time in history. What is happening in our world, at this time, is truly extraordinary. It is very worthy to take note of this. It is heartening to know that we are in a good time for humanity. Enjoy these recommendations to open your mind to this way of looking at the world.
The Art of War: Mastering Strategy for Life and Leadership—DELUXE EDITION
by Sun Tzu
Mastering Strategy for Life and Leadership. Timeless lessons from Sun Tzu.
The Secret Destiny of America
by Many P. Hall
American Made
A 2017 American action comedy produced by Bryan Grazer & team starring Tom Cruise.