Do Monetary Systems Change? Yes, They Do!
In the 20th century our monetary system changed 4 times.
We are in a monetary system change now. We are quite overdue actually. The entire world is immersed in debt due to a fiat money system and fractional reserve central banking system literally “running the world” through the use of 100% fiat money and fractional reserve lending since 1971.
Any of the money frustrations one can experience are deeply rooted in the design of the monetary system.
To Solve Any Problem, You Have to Know What the Problem Is
The story of our money in the 20th and 21st century-to-date goes back, not just to 1971, but to December 23, 1913. The Federal Reserve Act was passed by Congress creating the Federal Reserve central bank system. In the 20th–21st century, the Federal Reserve central bank system became the most powerful central bank in the world. It is natural to assume that the Federal Reserve central bank system is accountable to the American people, but this is not so. The entity the Federal Reserve is accountable to is the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland which has been controlled by the Rothschild’s banking dynasty, a global banking dynasty with origins in the later part of the 18th century, the very time period the American colonies were in our American Revolutionary war against the empire of Great Britain.
This is a very interesting part of our discussion of what is money and how does a monetary system impact our success and happiness in life. At this point, you are likely understanding that any of the money frustrations one can experience are deeply rooted in the design of the monetary system. Our monetary system is controlled by the Federal Reserve central bank system created by international bankers and installed by Congress through Congressional legislation December 23, 1913. This is “The Creature” from The Creature from Jekyll Island, A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin. Everyone needs to read this book and it is easy to read.
Our Monetary System is Changing series Part 1-4 are published under the News tab at www.msmadvisory.com. This is a series, so if you want to catch up or re-read any episode of the series, it is there for you. And I make things easy for you, you know that. You also know, you are always welcome to call, text, or email me about any area you are interested in talking more about.
As a quick review for you:
Part 1: Money is an agreement.
Part 2: Our money is fiat money created by the private corporation, the Federal Reserve central bank system, using fractional reserve lending in the commercial banking system we use.
Part 3: The Federal Reserve central bank system, fiat money, fractional reserve lending & how the American taxpayer plays into this monetary system.
Part 4: How the World Turns: American Taxpayer Money at Work Across the World; Who Profits?
And now,
Part 5: Do Monetary Systems Change? Yes, They Do!
Our monetary system is changing now in 2024. This is a long overdue change. We went through 4 monetary system changes in the 20th century. These 4 monetary system changes occurred within the Federal Reserve central bank system which was created by Congressional legislation in 1913. These monetary system changes led us over the past 110 years directly to the failing monetary system of today.
Coming into the 20th century, our currency was backed by gold. Gold and silver was our money. There were gold & silver coins that was the actual money, i.e. currency. There were paper bills that could be exchanged as money, no different than what we do today. We use paper checks as money backed by the Federal Reserve Notes (our fiat money) we have in our bank accounts. We use plastic cards that represent the amount of the “money” (fiat Federal Reserve Notes) in our checking and savings accounts. We use plastic cards for the credit-debt use of money which has a very high rate of interest attached. Credit cards: not only are we paying various and very high rates of interest on the use of this credit-debt money, we pay these credit cards with our money that itself, is a note of debt, with interest attached. In unofficial language, I call that a double whammy against you. This is covered in Part 2 & 3 of this series. A note: the 0.00% on credit-debt money “we enjoyed” in recent years was a fixture from 2009 until recently, which felt like free money, except it is not.
The common thread in monetary system change through the 20th century to today in the 21st century, is that this is done under the distractions of created chaos: war, economic distress, and society disfunction.
The 4 monetary system changes in the 20th century occurred about every 20–30 years.
1914, 1st Change:
World War I, the Chaos of War & Pandemic
Gold backed the currencies of countries around the world. The world went off the gold standard to be able to print money for World War I. You guessed it, like today, inflation was a problem.
When World War I ended, the world went back to the gold standard.
Post–WWI global monetary matters were not managed well by the central bankers of Great Britain, France, Germany, and the United States. The gold standard returned. However, the mismanagement of monetary matters among these 3 European central bankers set the stage for the United States 1929 stock market crash and the ensuing banking system and monetary system problems that followed.
Lords of Finance, The Bankers Who Broke the World explores these events in greater detail, specifically in Chapter 16, “Into the Vortex.” This is an absolutely amazing book to read. It is a “page-turner” and you learn that the 1929 Stock Market Crash, the Great Depression, and World War II were absolutely preventable. These catastrophic events were not “natural” events. These events were man-made through the Federal Reserve central banking system and the mismanagement of the monetary systems.
These are lessons we should all know. I have a personal and professional policy of not “should-ing” all over people. So when I do “should,“ it is a really important consideration on your part. One cannot solve a problem unless you know what the problem is.
1933, 2nd Change: The Great Depression
The Chaos of Central Banking System Failure, & Monetary Policy Failure,
the Creation & Chaos of World War II 1941–45
Franklin Delano Roosevelt came in as President in 1933 and took the United States off the gold standard and bankrupted the citizens of the United States and the United States government.
Not only did the US citizens lose all their money in the bank, they were forced to sell their money, which was gold, to the Government at a price of $20.67. All citizens were required to turn in all but $100 (5 coins) of their gold in exchange for cash, or face a penalty of up to $10,000 in 1933 dollars or ten years in prison. Today, with Federal Reserve system-created inflation that “1933” $10,000 is $237,444 in 2024 dollars. Let that sink in if you received such a notice today to divest of your money, or else!
This demand “or else” from the Government was Executive Order 6102. This Executive Order was absolutely unconstitutional. The Legislative branch has the Constitutional power to make changes to our monetary system, not the Executive Branch.
The gold was desperately in need by a maxed-out Federal Reserve which, at that time, could only increase the money supply to the point where it was backed by 40% gold, due to the nation’s gold standard. Once nearly $800 million of gold assets were compiled, the Government increased the price of gold from $20.67 an ounce to $35 an ounce, thus increasing the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet by 69% in one fell swoop. This price of gold set at $35 an ounce caused inflation. So, not only did people lose all their money in the banks, their real money—gold—was confiscated by a bankrupt Government. The price increase to $35 an ounce had the people lose what wealth they had left. People and businesses were devastated.
The Government was bankrupt and the American citizens were bankrupt. All the Government spending that ensued throughout the 1930s did not improve the economy the entire decade of the 1930s.
Now you can understand why virtually no one today has any relationship to gold and silver being real money, i.e money with value.
You may even begin recalling money habits of the older generations of your family members in owning gold. Very smart and courageous people risked the threat of a $10,000 fine (in 1933 dollars) or 10 years in prison, hiding their gold by burying it in the ground and underneath the floorboards in their homes.
People hid money under mattresses, in coffee cans, sugar bowls, books, faux decorative plants displayed “way up high”, in pockets of stored clothing, and any other place they could conceive as a safe place to put their money (see Lords of Finance, The Bankers Who Broke the World, chapter 21, “Gold Standard on the Booze,” and chapter 23, “Epilogue.”).
It wasn’t until the US entered World War II that the US economy improved. The full employment and manufacturing of being at war pulled us out of the Great Depression and into another inflation spiral. The massive money printing for the war created a massive amount of inflation after the war.
The legalization for the private ownership of gold for US citizens was not enacted again until December 31,1974 by President Gerald R. Ford, Executive Order 11825. This was a constitutional Executive Order. It did not change the monetary system. People could own gold privately, but gold did not back our monetary system. We remained on a 100% fiat monetary system (1971 to current day).
1944, 3rd Change: Bretton Woods Agreement
The Chaos of War & Destruction Worldwide
A world-changing meeting of internationalists gathered in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire (The Creature from Jekyll Island, A Second Look at the Federal Reserve, chapter 5 “Nearer to the Heart’s Desire”) to create a global monetary system backed by gold with the US Dollar as the reserve currency for global trade. This baton of global dominance of power and wealth officially passed from Great Britain and the Pound Sterling currency to the United States and the US Dollar. Though the US Dollar was the global currency for trade by de facto since 1920 as the economy of Great Britain was destroyed by inflation and mis-management by the central bankers in the economic aftermath of World War I. The United Nations (UN) funded by Rockefeller was created at this time, a new version of the 1919 League of Nations. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) controlled by the Rothschilds was created. The framework of the Petro Dollar agreement with Saudi Arabia was created, but not used until 1974. The plan for the Petro Dollar was to implement this “blueprint agreement” at a point in time, in the future.
The vision this group of internationalists had was to control the economies and the people through a centralized group.
1971, 4th Change: End of the Bretton Woods Agreement. Going Fiat!
The Chaos of War, Assassinations, & the Chaos of Society
The goal of the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944 was to ultimately move to a fiat monetary system using the central bank fractional reserve lending system of creating money. The United States had been printing too much money through the 1950s and 1960s to be able to maintain the Bretton Woods Agreement (1944) “gold peg” using gold at $35 an ounce. The amount of US dollars that the Federal Reserve printed exceeded the amount of gold that the Federal Reserve owned at $35 an ounce. There were too many fiat US dollars around the world. This is called “Government overspending”. Interesting, the price of gold was set at $35 an ounce in 1934. The Federal Reserve always plans for inflation and 37 years later the Federal Reserve had never adjusted the price of gold per ounce. Without enough gold to meet the “peg to gold” at $35 an ounce, the official announcement from President Nixon on August 15, 1971 was that there were gold speculators in the market that were the problem. It wasn’t true, but I will be generous and call it a half-truth. The “speculators” were the International banking cartel, the Federal Reserve central bank system and the Bank of International Settlements (BIS). BIS is the central bank of the the central bankers located in Basel, Switzerland controlled by the Rothschilds.
The Petro Dollar Agreement (1944–45)
Now this 1944–45 blueprint agreement springs into action in 1974. The US Dollar is not backed in gold per the Bretton Woods Agreement (1944) when the US Government and the Federal Reserve System abandoned the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1971. Watch the You Tube video link above. The Petro Dollar agreement mandates every country in the world buying oil must do so using US Dollars. What this means is that every country buying oil must buy the oil using US Dollars. US Dollars everywhere around the world. The central bankers love this and the American taxpayer gets to pay the interest on this debt money every country around the world “purchases” and uses to purchase oil. The translation: the central bankers create a lot of wealth with this Agreement/scheme and the American taxpayer pays the interest on this money issued as debt.
I am happy to report that due to the BRICS alliances in 2023–24 and onward into the future, this theft from debt slavery perpetrated by the Federal Reserve central bank system on the American people is ending. And there is more good news for you upcoming in Parts 6, 7, and 8. Keep reading! It will be worth it!
The 1960s was a time of great chaos socially, politically—and you guessed it, war—Korea, Vietnam, and more war, non-stop. The currency shifts, the endless wars, and the endless stream of market crashes is how the Federal Reserve central bank system is designed to work. The wealthy have the advantage of making money on the downside and the upside of all of this. The American taxpayer is the funding for this wealth creation of the wealthiest global 1% and the downstream of “players” in the system discussed in Part 4. See, you don’t want to miss any Parts of this series.
This is where not only we, of the United States are at, but the whole world is at too, in endless wars with a financial system drowning in debt. All of this is the creation of the Federal Reserve central banking system, the US Dollar, and the US Military.
It is the American taxpayer funding all of this. As dismal as all this sounds, there is a “light at the end of the ‘monetary mess tunnel’ we are in today.” Part 5 of this series is to illustrate that monetary systems do change. But, we have a bit more to cover on our monetary system. Our current monetary system actually goes back further than 1914, to people and events of the 18th & 19th centuries. This is Part 6.
Are You Ready to Be Done With This System?
I am, for my clients, for my family, and for me.
Next Edition:
Part 6: How did “We the People” End Up with a Monetary System that Doesn’t Benefit Us?
Your thoughts and questions are always welcome!

MSM Advisory, LLC. is a professional practice designed to offer you the customized financial planning advice, strategies and implementation to make your dreams come true. Money matters and this is what the money is for… your vision for your life coming to life… for you.