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Investing: A Pathway to Your Freedom Lifestyle

Investing is the Pathway to Creating Wealth & Financial Freedom

These are assets for your consideration in creating the money you want to have-wealth-to create your “Freedom Lifestyle.”

  • Stocks

  • Bonds

  • Real Estate

  • Businesses

  • Energy

  • Commodities

  • Precious Metals

  • Precious Gems

  • Crypto Assets

Your “Freedom Lifestyle” is living your days in the ways you want to. This doesn’t mean a never-ending vacation(s) or shopping spree(s). This means you make your everyday lifestyle and workstyle choices in ways that are very meaningful to you and very satisfying in living your life well-lived. We need relaxation, yes. We also need stressors in our life to fully develop the unique amazing intelligence and capacities we all have.

Be happy. Be rich. See my News post “Go Ahead… Be Rich & Happy!

Investing is About Solving Problems. Investing in Business is About Solving Problems.

Money is made when problems get solved. Solving problems is when a lot of money gets made. Investing in business is an amazing opportunity.

Businesses always need capital to grow, and businesses must grow, and continue to solve problems or the business dies. Investing in business is an amazing opportunity, and this is where the investor steps in.

If You Want to Make Money & Be Rich, You Invest in Businesses

Most people are familiar with investing in the public stock and bond markets. You can invest in business through the investment in the stock and bond markets.

There are businesses that are not publicly owned; they are privately owned. These business require capital too. Private businesses attract investors. This is private equity and one can invest in business here too as a single company or as a fund of companies.

Business Creates Wealth; Business Solves Problems

If you want to be wealthy and create generational wealth, you invest in business. If you want to be wealthy and invest in business you consider great businesses in the public markets and the private markets.

The questions to ask are:

  1. What problem is this business solving?

  2. What is missing, that if what was missing was put in, it would make a difference in people’s lives?

These 2 concepts also highlight the magic of creating for people, what they really want, but didn’t know it.

My husband had a brilliant business career in luxury retail for 38 years doing exactly these 3 tenets. His other business is steeped in his love of real estate. It was interesting to me, when he said as he stepped away from his executive role in luxury retail, “I just don’t want to deal with any problems anymore.” My response to him was, “What business is about, is solving problems. This is how money is made.” I said this with a smile.

Don’t Work Hard to Pay Bills; Work Hard to Acquire Assets

Your thoughts and questions are always welcome!


MSM Advisory, LLC. is a professional practice designed to offer you the customized financial planning advice, strategies and implementation to make your dreams come true. Money matters and this is what the money is for… your vision for your life coming to life… for you.

This takes your vision and your actions. You are surrounded by brilliance. Tap into it. Now is the time.


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