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October 2024 Books of the Month

Updated: Oct 25, 2024

Precious Metals

Our theme this month is investing in the Precious Metals asset class. Lectures are a time-tested method of communicating knowledge dating back to ancient Greece. Nowadays, we have the luxury of learning from experts by simply watching online videos, but reading books will always be the best method of gaining in-depth, long-term understanding of any topic.

The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve

by G. Edward Griffin

If you only read one book about finance, make it this one.

Collapse of the Fiat System

G. Edward Griffin is the author of the amazing bestseller in its 5th reprint: The Creature from Jekyll Island, a Second Look at the Federal Reserve.

The book introduces the Federal Reserve System for what it really is, and for the purpose of its creation in 1913. The history is eye-opening and illuminates how the world really works. The book reads like a thriller! It is a fascinating history that guides us in the direction of creating a future in which prosperity is returned to the American citizens, and to citizens of nations around the world.

This video explains how this system is collapsing and that this was planned… from the start. The collapse is what leads us to the creation of a new monetary system that has been years in the making that actually does create prosperity for all people.

But, beware, we must choose this. To understand your choice, you have to know what your choices are.

Andy Schectman Interviews G. Edward Griffin

Here is the author of The Creature from Jekyll Island, A Second Look at the Federal Reserve, G. Edward Griffin, with Andy Schectman, President of Miles Franklin. Andy is an expert in the precious metals market and how banking and the geo-political world interact with the precious metals market.

Andy is my broker for precious metals. You always want to surround yourself with great experts.  Both G. Edward Griffin and Andy Schectman are in my circle of experts, respectively, in the matter of money, how the world works, and how to create wealth with this knowledge. 

These are 2 of the important players in the background in my work with clients and creating wealth for clients.

Exclusive Interview: Andy Schectman

Here is an exclusive interview with Andy Schectman in August 2022. Excellent discussion on precious metals, creating wealth, the state of banking in 2022, and the geo-political impacts on our prosperity. Don’t think this is boring. It is not. It is actually your life in how life goes. 

Andy Schectman September 20, 2024

Update from the previous video #3 August 2022: The world of monetary systems, money, precious metals, banking and the geo-political world: the factors at play today.


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